Babylon Jr/Sr High School
Class Of 1978
Updates to Kathleen's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Kathleen Jackson
Profile Updated: August 19, 2018

Residing In: | lindenhurst, NY USA |
Occupation: | registered nurse,assistant director of nursing |
Yes! Attending Reunion
same old stuff who can believe its been 30 years! I only moved to Lindenhurst I can't believe I was among the missing. I just spoke with Phyllis Gallay and gave her the e-mail address to look up the info but she lives in Texas I don't know if she can come. I am still deciding.Hope eveyone who sees this is well. I am single,no kids,so nothing too exciting. LETS GO METS
I also am more known by my nickname Rene (pronounced re-knee) hardly anyone calls me kathleen maybe thats why i couldn't be found.
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